Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Botak Hair Update

Sit beside my fren when he is flying,i m taking photo.hehe..
all the way stay 1000ft above the coast and 500ft above the coast when coming back.

500ft above the coast

G.C City

Q1 tower.The Highest Building at G.C.

Mix of water of River and Ocean

Byron Bay
(The most eastern point of the Australian mainland)

Byron Bay
1000Ft on Gold Coast Coast Line

Gold Coast City

Horizon to the east.Can u see American?

Gold Coast City Again

Extreme Long Coast Line

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Passed GFPT test n Botak again

Haha...update update...
I passed my GFPT (General Flying Progress Test) and cut my long hair.
Became Botak again.haha.
After I passed GFPT mean i can fly everyone to somewhere but within 10nautical miles from aerodrome,so who is coming to Brisbane,visit me,we go have a joy flight^>^

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Second Training Area solo.(ETA)

On the way to Gold Coast
The horizon link the sky n the ocean.

Fly below 100 feets below the cloud :P

Nearly catch the cloud :P

Gold Coast coast line
Long huh?

The other side of Gold Coast coast line.

Gold Coast City

Heading home.
Byebye Gold Coast coast line.

On the way home,
Cars so tiny look from 2600 feets sky

Monday, October 15, 2007

nothing special in tis photo.
just my 1st training area solo...haha...

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Friday, October 12, 2007

Photos update

Hail rain at my place
My 1st Hail rain in the life

Solo Flight.
Can handle easily now and got extra time to take photo.

Friday, October 05, 2007

First SoLO!!!

I flown the first solo in my life on 2/10(Tuesday)
I got my SPL on 1/10(Monday).
Then i knew that the first solo flight in my life is soon.
when i flying circuit with my instructor on tuesday morning,after 2 good circuit i did.
He suddenly made a decision to full stop for tat circuit(be4 tat i ask for touch n go to the tower).
And he told the tower will sent me to my first solo.(^.^Y)yeahhhhh.
after i heard tat,i felt nervous n excited.
but tat solo circuit i flown good as last 2 circuit i flown.
when i rolling on the runway,i forgot to close the windows(=.=)but i closed it after i realised.:P
turn crosswind,downwind, radio call n landing great as 2 circuit i flown early,
the last funny happen is i done my pre-landing check on final.OMG(-_-")
anyway i land the plane safe.hehe...

Friday, September 28, 2007

Sunway Lagoon N Eyes of Malaysia on 21th July 2007 By Janet

我们的好朋友富仪在2007年7月29日就要到澳州去读飞机师了。所以,我,淑仪,宝凌,志霖和永威就在2007年7月21日和我们的好朋友富仪去了sunway lagoon 和 titiwangsa坐摩天轮。


当天我们六个人刚刚好就坐富仪的漂亮又可爱的myvi一起出发去玩了,我们第一站就去了康乐吃点心咯,吃完过后我们就继续我们的前程前往双威去咯。半个小时过后,我们就抵达双威了,永威和志霖就去排队买票咯。不过那路门票还蛮贵的啊一个人RM45不过幸好淑仪有票可以折扣20%就一个人RM36咯。然后我们就开开心心的进去咯。首先,我们先去租locker然后换衣服和搽lotion那些咯。然后我们第一个就去玩水上滑梯咯就我(美燕)和志霖,宝凌和富仪,永威和淑仪各一组咯。之后他们说宝凌和富仪一起不平衡所以就换我和富仪一组咯。然后我们就去玩“水上滑毯“就我们六个人一起趴着从上面滑下去。就刚好那里有六个滑梯,他们就来了一个比赛也就是看谁滑到最远就代表那个人很重。我们本来是说淑仪滑到最远结果是宝凌滑到最远啊哈哈。。宝凌就一直给我们笑她肥咯,然后回来了我们还一直跟樱瑜和如雁他们说咯哈哈^.^这个“水上滑毯“我们玩了两三次感觉很爽很刺激哦。当天的天气不是很好哦!我们玩了水上就打算去玩陆地咯不料下雨哦!还有,就是我,宝凌和淑仪永远都记得被富仪,志霖和永威骗去坐云霄飞车因为他们告诉我们说不恐怖所以我们就去坐咯。原来他们所谓的“不恐怖”对我们来说真的是很恐怖哦!当我们坐上云霄飞车的时候我们的心好像要飞掉酱恐怖啊,所以我们发誓以后再也不要坐云霄飞车了(>.<)玩到大概四点多然后冲了凉我们就去piramid吃KFC,吃饱之后我们就到附近的cyber cafe打机,这是第一次我们三个女子跟男子一起去打机,我们还玩到差点忘记吃饭时间真是够力啊哈哈。打完机过后我们就去吃肉骨茶咯因为永威介绍的她说好吃所以我们就去试看看咯。吃饱过后就去打油咯然后富仪说的车尽然斜去左边和左边坐的是志霖,永威和淑仪,可能是他们肥所以车斜去左边吧。然后,最后淑仪为有和宝凌换位,坐去右边咯哈哈^.^接下来我们就去最后一个地方也就是titiwangsa坐摩天伦了,幸好那天不是很多人我们排了一下队就到我们了,我们在等待的时候还拍了很多照片和录了很多video和在video里面都是由永威和志霖两个瓜当主持人他们主持到很好笑啊哈哈。坐完了摩天轮然后我们就回家了因为晚点富仪和志霖就要去踢球了。那天真的好累啊不过我相信我们大家都玩得开心真的是希望大家都不会忘记拥有一个那么难忘又开心的一天哦!和希望我们大家还有机会可以在次一起出去玩咯。

FrIeNdShIp FoReVeR!!!


JaNeT, JaCeLyN & AnGeLiNe
ChEe LiM, FoO YeE & EnG WeE
FrIeNdShIp FoReVeR ^.^

FrIeNdShIp FoReVeR ^.^

Monday, April 23, 2007



Monday, February 26, 2007

Wat Title?????

Wow...wat a long long time i didnt update my blog...
i feel boring to upload all the event happened in this few months ago.
Bcuz i m not reporter,I got no responsibily to report all tis...lol...
let's me have some heart talk.
very busy on January n February.
I start work full-time on 1st of Jan.besides Long working hour,1 day off per week make I feel tired everyday.
I work still 17th Feb..omg...tat day is "Year 30 Night" le...crazy SG.wang..
then Have a good new year..nothing bad happened since so long.just lose some money on gamble...>.<
went to penang on Nian CHu 3.Have a relaxxxx holiday on Penang...sleep,delicious foods,n beautiful view...back on Nian Chu 5.
but i went to singapore with my cousin brother on Nian Chu 6 morning.hahaha...wat a busy new year.just back on yesterday midnight.reach home around 6am...then have a sleep.
N i change a new hair style b4 cny...50 50 percent on the good n bad opinion on my new hairstyle.Should i Keep it?let see...